Drew is grounded. She received this judgement tuesday evening after a short bout of defiance. That's not the only thing that earned her a week of house arrest. It was also a few other things leading up to that night over 2 weeks time.
Strike 1: I found an apple in the bathroom garbage. A whole, new, shiny, red apple. An apple I had just bought 2 days before @ a rate of 1.79/dozen. I mean, this apple was GIGANTIC. I had place it in her lunch box the prior day. So, when she got home from school I asked her about it. She said it was too big, and she couldn't finish it, so she threw it away. I had to giggle. Why? Well, cuz it was a lie. The apple had no sign of being bitten, no bruises, no punctured skin. I inspected this apple thorougly, you see, to try to understand it's purpose for being in the garbage at all. So, we revisited my rule about NOT throwing away food that you can't finish, it must be brought home and replaced to the fridge, or saved for the next days lunch.
Strike 2: D had given her $10 to take to a post Soccer Pizza Party. She paid for some pizza, games, drink...she was supposed to return the change to D. He asked her for it, she said it was in her jeans, a total of $2, and would get it out the following day. D worked, so after school, I asked her abt the $. She denied having change. I reminded her that she had told her Dad that there was indeed $2 change, so WHERE DID IT GO? She ho-hummed around for a bit, before she finally admitted that she used it to buy drinks at school. But, that doesn't make sense cuz I send cold lunch and always pack a drink. So, after further probing, she finally admitted that she actually paid a charge for drinks she purchased cuz she didn't like the drinks I send. Hmmmm, this was reminding me of the apple. She was throwing away drinks to get a different one at school.
Strike 3,4...5: Incessant, persistent, aggressive behaviour toward her Brother & I. Raging hormones in a pre-teen body, presenting themselves in a demon-like state.
So, the last straw was blatant defiance toward me, in front of her Grandparents.
I grounded her for a week, you see, simply to ensure it included a weekend. A weekend that included a very much awaited Birthday Party Sleepover she had been invited to. An event that she screamed thru dramatic sobs & streaming tears was 'SUPPOSED TO BE THE BESTEST PARTY EVER!' So, you see, I knew THIS was the time to stick to my word. Her tantrum lasted a few hours. It was pitiful. Disgusting. But, necessary to endure. Necessary to follow thru & not give in to the noise & distrubance for MY sanity sake.
Yesterday was the party. I arrived home from grocery shopping to a re-newed dramatization of her NEED to go to this party. I held strong. Maintained the punishment. She sobbed for about an hour, pleading that if I let her go, she would be good
forever. Statements like this make me smile & giggle under my breath, so pathetic. I wasn't giving in. NO. See, if I gave in at this point, then next time, it will be even worse & she will not have learned a thing! This is my job. To make her miserable. I simply told her, "I didn't get what I want (respect, obedience, truth)...so, you don't get what YOU want (a fabulous sleepover party, friends, cake...)"
Today, she is much more obedient. It definitely tested me, but it has taught her.